Isea 2022 - Possibles

'Institutional presentation'

'Institutional presentation'

June 13th

Institutional presentation / Science Visualization Lab of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Authors: Martina R. Fröschl

Work: Overview presentation of the latest collaborations and projects of the Science Visualization Lab of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. 

Theme: visualization, animation, scientific visualization, collaboration, lab

Venue: CCCB

More information:

  • Abstract: The common understanding of modern scientific research becomes more and more difficult as activities are carried out in size and time ranges we cannot perceive with the naked eye. The key to understanding as well as creative new research ideas is often a visualization of these hidden processes. The Science Visualization Lab at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria specializes in making invisible scientific phenomena visible and disseminating this visual information in various ways.

  • Biography: Martina R. Fröschl studied media technique and media design and wrote her thesis about computer-animated scientific visualizations of tomographic scanned microscopic organic entities. The depiction of realities and biological phenomena has ever since driven her creations. She contributed to various documentary and fictional productions for TV and cinema as visual effects and CG-artist. Her recent computer animations are based on scientific imaging data in collaboration with imaging experts and biologists. Currently, she is a senior researcher at the Science Visualization Lab of the University of Applied Arts Vienna at the Department of Digital Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and chairwomen of the PIXELvienna Society.


  • CCCB

Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona

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