Isea 2022 - Possibles

'Institutional presentation'

'Institutional presentation'

June 15th

Institutional presentation / Art-science cooperations at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies

Authors: Teresa Erbach

Work: In her role as a researcher Teresa Erbach is particularly interested in the influence of arts and science on the change of value orientations, patterns of perception and cultural transformation. Besides her research she also accompanies and facilitates art-science collaborations and artistic research on sustainability issues.

Theme: Art-Science Cooperations, Sustainability, Fellow Programme, Platform, Societal Change, Transformative Potential of the Arts

Venue: CCCB

More information:

  • Abstract: The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam (Germany) conducts research with the goal of understanding, advancing, and guiding processes of societal change towards sustainable development. Our researchers collaborate with diverse actors from science, policymaking and public administration as well as arts to develop a common understanding of sustainability challenges and generate potential solutions. Artists can work at the Institute for a year as part of the Fellow Program or get in touch with the platform “Art-Science Cooperations for Sustainability” if they are interested in a collaboration with researchers in a specific project. At the IASS we also conduct research with the goal of understanding the role and transformative potential of art in societal change.

  • Biography: Teresa Erbach studied psychology, philosophy, and literature in Munich Germany, Toulouse, and Berlin, and worked freelance in artistic and scientific contexts for three years after graduation. From 2020 to 2021, she was a project leader at the social research institute Mauss Research before joining the IASS in June 2021 as a research associate in the project Narratives and Images of Sustainability. 


  • CCCB

Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona

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