Isea 2022 - Possibles

Artwork – RAIN BEATS

This project has been awarded with the ISEA2022 Barcelona Grant by Fundació Privada Reddis

Cal Massó – Beep Collection: Origins

From May 26 to July 23, Cal Massó will host an outstanding exhibition, under the name of BEEP COLLECTION: ORIGINS . Curated by Roberta Bosco and Stefano Caldana, this exhibition will bring together the latest digital artworks incorporated into the .BEEP {collection;} and show the result of one of the production grants awarded by ISEA2022, Rain beats by Josecarlos Florez.

The center will also host workshops and conferences given by artists from the symposium and guided tours will be offered for both locals and international attendees.

For this reason, during the days of the Symposium, there will be free buses from Barcelona for the symposium attendees (to be confirmed).

Dates: From May 27 to July 23
Time: From Tuesday until Saturday, starting at 5pm and closing at 9pm
During mornings, Cal Massó offers guided tours with previous booking at the phone number 977 010 660.

Des del 26 de maig i fins al 23 de juliol, Cal Massó acollirà una destacada exposició, sota el nom de BEEP COLLECTION: ORÍGENS. Comissariada per Roberta Bosco i Stefano Caldana, aquesta mostra reunirà les darreres obres d’art digital incorporades a la .BEEP {collection;} i mostrarà el resultat d’una de les beques de producció atorgades per ISEA2022, Rain beats de Josecarlos Florez.

Alhora, el centre acollirà tallers, visites guiades -tant per a la població local com pels assistents internacionals- i conferències d’artistes participants al simposi.

Per aquest motiu, durant alguns dels dies del simposi, es proporcionaran autocars gratuïts des de Barcelona (horaris pendents de confirmar).

Dates: Del 27 de maig al 23 de juliol
Hora: De dimarts a dissabte, de 17h a 21h
Pels matins, Cal Massó ofereix visites concertades amb cita prèvia al telèfon 977 010 660.

Artists / Artistes:

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UOC CCCB Centre d'art Santa Mònica logo new art foundation Hac Te (Hub d'Art, Ciència i Tecnologia) Logo Macba Ajuntament de Barcelona Barcelona Capital Cultural i Científica logo institut ramon llull

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