'Institutional presentation'
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June 14thInstitutional presentation / Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
- Abstract: Since June 2021, the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV) has a Vice-rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society responsible for creating a participatory and socially responsible community. The programming of its activities is aimed to comprehensively train students through transdisciplinary programs, associative, sports, volunteer activities, etc., related to the Sustainable Development Goals, based on the principles of equality, diversity and social inclusion.
Among the functions of this vice-rectorate’s office are promoting a participatory culture, preserving heritage, promoting open science, fostering University Social Responsibility (RSU), favoring solidarity and social commitment, guaranteeing equality and diversity, integrating people with functional diversity, support permanent education and encourage graduates to continue their links with the UPV.
- Biography: Salomé Cuesta. Vice-rector for Art, Science, Technology and Society (UPV) and María José Martínez de Pisón. Director Cultural Action Area (UPV).
Since 1990, the Group Light Laboratory, located in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia, has functioned as a meeting, study and research space for aesthetic and expressive principles linked to the light-image.
Currently, the components of the laboratory belong to different departments and their participation varies depending on the proposals that are being developed: working between the collective and the individual, between university research and artistic activity, between the production of projects and the dissemination of texts, as an area open to those who want to develop their work under this interdisciplinary structure.
Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona
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