Isea 2022 - Possibles

'Institutional presentation'

'Institutional presentation'

June 14th

Institutional presentation / There is no better ending than a good start

Authors: Vicente Matallana


The NewArtFoundation is the consequence of the activities developed by the Beep Collection, an international reference in the field.

Venue: CCCB
  • Abstract: The NewArtFoundation is the consequence of the activities developed by the Beep Collection, an international reference in the field.

    The Beep Collection started its activity linked to the ARCO-BEEP Electronic Art Award in 2006. Since then, more than 70 works by artists from around the world testify to a set of good practices. With a philosophy rooted in the collaborative origins of the Internet, it has developed grant, production, and patronage programs, aware that being an active agent in the community implies supporting it.

    In 2015, the Collection, with the participation of prominent Catalan agents such as professional associations, universities, companies, and individuals, founded the NewArtFoundation. The ultimate objective of the Foundation is to transfer the collaborative programs of the Collection to the community and society, contributing its efforts to the development of a more productive and sustainable society, based on research and development.
    More info:,

  • Biography: Vicente Matallana is the director of the NewArtFoundation and the BEEP Collection, as well as the founder and director of LaAgencia, an independent new media art company created in 1998 in Madrid. LaAgencia is engaged in programs and projects focused on new media art as an alternative paradigm of research and knowledge. Matallana is also a teacher and lecturer and regularly publishes articles and sits on international juries, seminars, and committees for new media art. With Joasia Krysa, he has been the co-director of the Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus. He is member of the steering committee of the HacTe as representant of the NewArtFoundation.


  • CCCB

Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona

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