Isea 2022 - Possibles

'Institutional presentation'

'Institutional presentation'

June 14th

Institutional presentation / Centre of expertise Arts & Education

Authors: June 14th

Work: The CoE Arts&Education is an initiative of the Amsterdam University of the Arts with 6 Dutch Universities of Applied Science and one vocational school in the Netherlands.

Venue: CCCB
  • Abstract: The CoE Arts&Education aims to bring about social innovation from innovative art education along two thematic lines: Education at the intersection of Arts, Technology and Science (OKWT) and Social and ecological engagement.
    The first theme deals with Education at the intersection of Arts, Science and Technology with artists in the role as catalyst for educational innovation.
    The second theme deals social and ecological engagement with art in the leading role.
    Both themes are in line with current curriculum developments in higher education, secondary education and (preparatory) vocational education and are directly linked to so-called ‘wicked problems’, complex issues that require an interdisciplinary (educational) approach. This revolves around inclusive arts education, arts education as citizenship education and socio-ecological issues.

    Partners: Amsterdam University of the Arts, iPabo University of Applied Sciences, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht University of the Arts, Codarts University of the Arts, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, RoC Amsterdam – Flevoland,
    Presentation by Anne Nigten, director of the Centre of Expertise Arts&Education


  • CCCB

Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona

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