Isea 2022 - Possibles

'Institutional presentation'

'Institutional presentation'

June 14th

Institutional presentation / ACM SIGGRAPH History Online Archives: broadening our vision

Authors: Bonnie Mitchell, Janice T. Searleman

Theme: SIGGRAPH, archive, preservation, electronic arts, digital arts, new media, computer graphics

Venue: CCCB

More information:

  • Abstract: This institutional presentation focuses on the ACM SIGGRAPH History Archive and how it evolved from the ACM SIGGRAPH Art Show Archive. This massive project involved a rethinking of the information architecture as well as programming the interface and adding new functionality. Thousands of new entries were added, along with images, abstracts, and additional information. After a year of hard work by a group of volunteers and student workers, we have made tremendous progress but much more still needs to be done. When completed, this new archive will encapsulate the evolution of a fringe research endeavor to a visually rich technology integral to our daily lives.

  • Biography: Bonnie Mitchell is a digital artist, animator, archivist as well as a professor at Bowling Green State University in Digital Arts, Ohio, USA.  Mitchell’s artworks explore spatial and experiential relationships to our physical, social, cultural and psychological environment through interaction and physical immersion. Her creative work includes interactive installation art, environmental data visualization art, experimental visual music animation, net-art, and new media art archive development. Mitchell is the co-director of the SIGGRAPH History and ISEA Symposium online Archives and also a member of the organizing team of the Summit on New Media Art Archiving (first held in 2021 online and again in 2022 in Barcelona).  She is also a member of the ISEA International Advisory Committee, the ACM SIGGRAPH History and Digital Arts Committees and is the SIGGRAPH 2023 History Chair in charge of the 50th conference celebration.

    Jan Searleman (California, USA) taught Computer Science at Clarkson University for 37 years, retired in 2015, and since retirement has been an Adjunct Research Professor at Clarkson. Her research areas are Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence. A senior member of the ACM,  Jan is also on both the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Art Committee (DAC) and the ACM SIGGRAPH History Committee.  Jan and Bonnie Mitchell coordinated the DAC Online Exhibition “The Earth, Our Home: Art, Technology and Critical Action”. She co-moderated SPARKS talks (Short Presentations of Artworks and Research for the Kindred Spirit) for DAC on “Robotics, Electronics, and Artificial Intelligence” with Hye Yeon Nam, and “Data: Visual Perception, Interpretation and Truth” with Everardo Reyes. Jan co-directs, along with Bonnie Mitchell, the ACM SIGGRAPH History Archive. She also co-directs the ISEA Symposium Archive with Bonnie Mitchell, Wim van der Plas and Terry C.W. Wong.


  • CCCB

Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona

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