Full papers
June 13th
11:30 – Nonhuman Creativity and Agency
Moderator: Joan Casas-Roma
- AI Creativity: AI.R Taletorium, New Storytelling Realm
Predrag Nikolic, Ruiyang Liu, Giacomo Bertin - Machine Learning-based Approaches in Biometric Data Art
Yoon Chung Han
12:40 – Sonic and Audiovisual Interfaces
Moderator: Bruno Caldas Vianna
- Click::REVU. An Optophonic Sound Installation
Paul Dunham, Mo Zareei, Dale Carnegie, Dugal McKinnon - NUAGE: A Digital Live Audiovisual Arts Tangible Interface
Marie-Eve Bilodeau, Ghyslain Gagnon, Yan Breuleux - Speakers, More Speakers!!! – Developing Interactive, Distributed, Smartphone-Based Immersive Experiences for Music and Art
Anna Forgette, Bill Manaris, Meghan Gillikin, Samantha Ramdsen
15:00 – Rituals, Consciousness and Technology
Moderator: Andrés Burbano
- Posthuman Rituals
Nina Rajcic, Jon McCormack - Rituals of art and science to decompart-mentalize knowledge
Luca Forcucci, Bruno Herbelin - Inhaling Quantum Consciousness: Ecological Vibrational Possibles
Clarissa Ribeiro
16:00 – Complexity Research and Practice
Moderator: Yoon Chung Han
- autonomX—Real Time Creation/Composition with Complex Systems
Alexandre Saunier, Chris Salter, Julien Vermette, Alexandre Quessy, Simon Demeule, Ursula J’vlyn d’Ark, Puneet Jain, Sofian Audry - Splitting Defense: A Methodological Journey into the Material Basis of Practice-Based Research
Michael Heidt, Eli Kuruş
11:30- Ecologies and biotechnical relationships
Moderator: Lucía Argüelles
- Ecopornography in Digital Arts
Stahl Stenslie, Zane Cerpina - Living Biotechnical Lives: Noise, Parasites, and Relational Practices
Morten Søndergaard, Laura Beloff - Sonus Maris
Nigel Helyer
12:40 – Possible listenings and recordings
Moderator: María Heras
- In pursuit of the Schizomachine: for a(n) (in)possible listening
Maria Lucilia Borges - Écosystème(s) : a self-interactive sound installation
Estelle Schorpp - Unrecording Nature
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
15:00 – Immersive environments
Moderator: Alkim Erol
- A Networked Multi-channel Audio and Video Authoring and Display System for Immersive Recombinatory Media Installations
Miles Thorogood, Maria Correia, Aleksandra Dulic - Star-Stuff: A Shared Immersive Experience in Space
John Desnoyers-Stewart - Summoning the nereid nerds: invisibility and visions within network architectures
Ella Barclay
16:10 – Critical robotics
Moderator: Mònica Rikic
- Probing Food and Power with Robotized Spoonfuls of Edible Paste
Simon Laroche, David Szanto - Robophilia and device art in Japan
Ricardo Iglesias
11:30 – Algorithms, machine learning and audiovisual heritage
Moderator: José Manuel Berenguer
- Digital Anarchival Poetics: Algorithms looking into Audiovisual Heritage
Vanina Hofman, Valentina Montero - Towards a Theory of Machine Learning and the Cinematic Image
Owen Lyons - Decolonizing the imaginary through the tactical use of machinimas
Isabelle Arvers
12:40 – Sonic experimentations
Moderator: José Manuel Berenguer
- Tuning in: Reflections in the Wake of Blackness through a Knitted Textile Antenna
Erin Lewis, Felecia Davis - A Sonic Exploration of Spanish Flamenco and the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey with Wearable Technology
Hedy Hurban - Buildings as Audio Visual Synthesisers: Experiments Performing Live Music on Wirelessly Networked Multi-Speaker Media Architectures
Ollie Bown, Kurt Mikolajzcyk, Sam Ferguson, Benedict Carey
16:10 – Mixed media and heritage digitizing
Moderator: Vanina Hofman
- The Last Play: A transmedia installation
Doros Polydorou - Evoking Empathy Through Immersive Experiences in A Walk Alone
Eman Al-Zubeidi, Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo
June 14th
11:30 – Beyond Black Box Machines
Moderator: Joan Casas-Roma
- Forging emotions. A deep learning experiment on emotions and art
Amalia Foka - The Bartleby Machine
Bruno Caldas Vianna
12:40 – Mental, Hallucinatory and Predictions
Moderator: Andrés Burbano
- From hallucinatory Art to hallucination in the Virtuality. Devices for Alternative Realities.
Sandra Cuevas, Reynaldo Thompson, Tirtha Mukhopadhyay - Possibilising performance through interactive telematic technology: Mental Dance
Carol Brown, Monica Lim - Can machines predict our future?
Diego Diaz, Clara Boj
15:00 – Generative, Locative and Environments
Moderator: Everardo Reyes
- Humans and Machines: A Study of the Impacts of the Technological Advances in the Light of Generative Art Theory
Huoston Rodrigues, Juergen Hagler - Postlocative Art for a Non-Anthropocentric World
Santiago Morilla Chinchilla - Rebalancing media in environments: analysing flows of action
Rocio von Jungenfeld
16:10 – Technical and Haptics Realities
Moderator: Pierre Bourdin Kreitz
- kin_ – An AR Dance Performance With Believable Avatars
Chris Geiger, Charlotte Triebus, Ivana Druzetic-Vogel - Weaving Augmented Reality into the Fabric of Everyday Life
Anton Nijholt
11:30 – Electronic art in higher education and artistic residencies
Moderator: Aida Sánchez de Serdio
- One + one = three: the added value of dual degrees in higher education
Andre Czegledy, Nina Czegledy - Sparking Emotion in Mexican Electronic Art
Cynthia Villagomez - Artistic residencies in digital companies
Sylvain Martet
12:40 – Virtual and mixed reality
Moderator: Carles Sora
- The Fun Palace: Designing Human Experiences at Mixed Reality Events to Increase Engagement
Patrick Pennefather, John Desnoyers-Stewart - Knowing VR through practice
Vince Dziekan, Sojung Bahng, Oscar Raby, Lucija Ivsic, Jon McCormack - A Case for Play: Immersive Storytelling of Rohingya Refugee Experience
Ray Lc, Fabeha Monir
15:00 – Multisensory installation and immersive storytelling
Moderator: Enric Mor
- The expanded world of invisible images – BLIND REVIEW’s and BLIND REVIEW’s artworks
Patrícia Gouveia, Luciana Lima, Anna Unterholzner, Diana Carvalho - The multicultural and transdisciplinary construction of anti-consumerist critical thoughts – the multisensory diversity of the artistic installation series “The wishing Tree” (2012 – 2019)
Paulo Cesar TELES - Emergent. A post-pandemic mobile gallery
Roberta Buiani, Ilze Briede (kavi), Lorella Di Cintio, Aadita Chaudhuri, Allan Gomes
16:10 – Practice-based research STEAM and Media art
Moderator: Enric Mor
- STEAM research in Higher Education, an exploratory project
Maria Manuela Lopes, Julio Borlido-Santos, Maria Rui Vilar-Correia, Anabela Nunes - A comparative study of practice-based research and research-creation in media art: Comparing two doctoral studies in Australia and Canada
Sojung Bahng, Stefy McKnight - Cultivating the possible: using design methodologies for artistic research
Carly Whitaker
11:30 – Metainterfaces and mediaspaces
Moderator: Vanina Hofman
- Protest and Aesthetics in The Metainterface Spectacle
Christian Ulrik Andersen, Søren Pold - Dynamic paintings: real-time interactive artworks in web
Ergun Akleman, Anusha Shanker, Yinan Xiong, Motahareh Shafiei Fard - Possible City: legacies of trauma in media space
Lawrence Bird
12:40 – New media art archives
Moderator: Federica Matelli
- Making a Manual: The Manual for the Curation and Display of Interactive New Media Art
Rene Alberto Garcia Cepeda - Connecting new media art archives worldwide
Bonnie Mitchell, Janice T. Searleman, Wim van der Plas, Terry C. W. Wong - Knowledge cultures in new media art
Rama Hoetzlein
15:00 – Histories and collections
Moderator: Vanina Hofman
- Spectrograms of the environment: entangled human and nonhuman histories
Michał Krawczak, Agnieszka Jelewska - Museum Practices and Posthumanist Assemblages: Activating the Possibilities of Technology Collections
Deborah Lawler-Dormer, Chris Muller
June 15th
11:30 – Human Nonhuman Encounters and Distractions
Moderator: Bruno Caldas Vianna
- Queer Communication: Human-Nonhuman Encounters
Natacha Lamounier - Made you look: crossing visual attention with computational design to create motion-based visual distractions
Bruna Sousa, Ana Rodrigues, Nuno Coelho, Penousal Machado - Artificial Life within a frame of metacreation on stage
Isadora Teles de Castro e Costa, Chu-Yin Chen, Silvia Circu
12:40 – Ecology fo Natural and Technical Systems
Moderator: Andrés Burbano
- Pulcher Aureus Filum. Biological Substrate Computers and the Ecological Paradigm Shift
Jaime Lobato - Merging Art, Media, and Ecology: Diego Rivera and Ariel Guzik at the Cárcamo de Dolores
Claudia Pederson - 3D Printing backwards
Theo Harper
11:30 – Vernacular creativity and reflective practices
Moderator: Aida Sánchez de Serdio
- A Mixed Reality Installation to Elicit Reflexivity on Adverse Childhood Experiences
Chang Liu, Álvaro Cassinelli, Christian Sandor
- Internet vernacular creativity. Vaporwave, counterculture and copyright
Ezequiel Soriano Gómez - The Process of Word Automation: From the Spoken Word to the Algorithm
Marta Pérez-Campos
Online Content
*These presentations will not be streamed on-site
- Spatial Photograms: Experimental Cyanotype Photography using 3D Scanning and Printing Technologies
Hin Nam Fong, Tobias Klein - Supra-dimensional Cinema: VR Case Study ‘TesserIce’
Clea T. Waite - Transforming Practices: a practice-based research approach to teaching emerging media at undergraduate level
Christopher Fry, Julie Marsh - Arts, Science and Technology in the ISSM Project and Exhibition
Denise Doyle - Towards the Sonic Laboratory: Laboratories’ creative potential
Laura Plana Gracia - The Medium is the Environment: Digital Materialism, Digital Art, and the Climate Crisis
Kevin Day - Nam June Paik’s Bibimbap Aesthetics as a Korean Reinterpretation of the Gesamtkunstwerk
Byeongwon Ha - Nonhuman Creativity in Generative Art: Beyond the Anthropocentric Paradigm
Stella Sofokleous - The Tapestry: Past and Possibility in the History of Magic
Peter Anders - View from Above: Drone art and hacktivism for landscape transformation awareness
Joana Resende, Pedro Ângelo, Mónica Mendes - Reconfiguring a physical VR exhibition into an online virtual exhibition due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Sojung Bahng, Vincent Dziekan, Jon McCormack - The Cabinet of Wolfgang von Kempelen: AI Art and Creative Agency
Dejan Grba
Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona